Friday, July 26, 2019

What Causes The Child To Sleep Less?

Adolescents and children, sleep less than 8 hours, lack of sleep can easily lead to obesity, gas color will become worse and worse, temper is irritable, long-term sleep deprivation will also have serious problems such as neurasthenia and depression. Students who lack sleep are prone to sleep during class, so they can't keep up with the teacher's lecture speed, and they will miss a lot of knowledge and influence their academic performance.
So what is the reason that more and more teenagers sleep less and less? Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY baby carriers, kids onesie pajamas, diaper bags and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.

Electronic product.

Now every household has a variety of electronic products. Most parents do not strictly control the number and timing of their children's use of electronic products. Instead, they love to use mobile phones as rewards for their homework. Many children After finishing the homework, you will pick up your mobile phone or iPad to start chatting or playing online games. Playing games is very addictive. If you don't win, you won't stop. Unconsciously, time will pass. Some children who have no self-control will still secretly hide in their beds and continue to play mobile phones after their parents sleep. Another most serious problem is that many parents often play mobile phones or computers in front of their children and do not give them a good example.

Environmental interference.

Some children live in the vicinity of the environment or have a large-scale event. The sound is loud. These sounds are noisy for people who want to sleep. Not only can they not sleep well, but they will be beaten faster and become more anxious. . There is also light that can interfere with sleep. Some adults worry that when they sleep, they will be afraid to turn on the light, but light will inhibit the formation of melatonin, which is a hormone that helps sleep.

Then, parents need to help their children improve their sleep quality and improve their poor sleep.

Establish a good sleeping environment.

Make sure your child's room is clean and tidy, and your child's bedding should be suitable for your child. When the child is sleeping, make sure the room is dark, do not have light, and do not emit a strong sound that will affect sleep. The room should be able to isolate noise as much as possible.

Develop good sleep habits.

Milk is a sleep aid, giving your child a cup of hot milk every night before going to bed. At the same time, let the child soak more feet, soaking feet can not only promote sleep, but also make the body healthier. Also educate your children not to exercise vigorously at night. Strenuous exercise will speed up the heartbeat, making people excited and difficult to fall asleep. Don't look at electronic products for too long before going to bed, don't eat a lot of things, the feeling of fullness of the stomach will make people feel uncomfortable, not easy to fall asleep.

Eat properly and exercise properly.

The task of learning should be carried out on a regular basis, and must be eaten three meals a day, eating more fruits and vegetables. In the afternoon, take the children to exercise appropriate sports, play badminton, jump rope, let the children and their classmates play basketball, etc. The tiredness after exercise will make the children fall asleep faster. Correct Understanding of Your Baby's Sleep Problems.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Why Are Baby Carriers So Popular Around The World?

The most obvious benefit of the baby carrier is that it is very convenient, it is convenient to carry the baby on the body, greatly reducing the burden of carrying the baby. Specifically:

Liberated the mother's hands. Some moms are both at home to take care of their chores and to take care of their babies. If you can carry your baby back with your baby's sling, you will liberate your hands and take care of your baby's housework. And when the baby is out, the mother's hands can be vacated, the action is convenient, and even one can take care of the baby.
Expanded the baby's vision. When you go out, you carry your baby with your strap. Your baby can have a broader view of the world. He can see different people, things, and things, and exercise his mental and interpersonal skills.

Improve the feelings of mother and baby. Put the baby in the baby's sling with the front back, the baby's face will be attached to the mother's chest, so that the mother can communicate with the baby's relatives and enhance the parent-child relationship. Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY ergonomic multifunctional baby carrier, baby rompers, diaper bags and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Six Habits "Eat" The Child's Immunity

Immunity is the "warrior" of the human body against external bacteria. For children who are growing and developing, strong immunity is a natural barrier that is not accessible to healthy growth. A study by the Johns Hopkins Children's Center in the United States shows that some of the unintentional habits of life are quietly eating the child's immunity. Easy to take care of baby with EASBABY cheap baby sling carrier, baby rompers, diaper bags and other baby products, all products are carefully designed to make moms easier.

Excessive cleaning. There is a theory of "hygiene hypothesis" in medicine, which means that the less infection in early childhood, the greater the chance of suffering from allergic diseases in the future. Conversely, the dirtier the environment in which a person is exposed to a child, the less likely the allergies are. Therefore, for children, to meet the basic health environment, should not fall into the excessively clean cycle, do not limit the child's behavior in contact with nature, and occasionally "crawling" on the lawn is not bad.
Indiscriminately supplement probiotics. Probiotics can balance the intestinal flora and enhance digestion and absorption capacity, but taking too much will affect the balance of the flora in the child's intestines, causing the child to get sick. On the diet, children can be given appropriate dairy products containing probiotics, but pure probiotics are drugs and should not be used blindly.

Excessive diet. " Eat more and grow stronger" is the mantra of many parents, for fear that children can not eat enough. However, overeating will not only hurt the child's spleen and stomach, but also cause problems such as accumulation of food and indigestion. It will also reduce immunity and become susceptible to illness. Therefore, children do not eat as much as possible, daily intake of appropriate amount of cereal potatoes, fruits and vegetables, egg milk, meat, nutrition can be comprehensive, eat less high-sugar, high-fat and lack of nutritious snacks. BABY IS EASY TO BE ALLERGIC TO WHICH FOODS.

Drinking water is not enough. Sufficient moisture can help the body eliminate toxins and waste, allowing the immune system to better fight infections. Therefore, boiled water is the best drink, let the children develop the habit of drinking water, drink less or not drink carbonated drinks.

Blindly supplement trace elements. If the child's nutrition is enough, the parents will blindly add trace elements, which will cause the child's trace element metabolism to be imbalanced in the body and injure immunity. Nowadays, children's nutrition is more comprehensive, and trace elements are not too scarce. As long as you pay more attention to nutrition, the trace elements in food are completely enough.

Abuse of antibiotics. Abuse of antibiotics can lead to drug resistance, leading to a decline in the therapeutic effect of certain classes of antibiotics. Therefore, when a child is ill, parents should not always advocate taking antibiotics for their children. Children should use antibiotics in strict accordance with the doctor's instructions. Follow the principle of “can not be injected orally” and do not abuse.